Fake Audiophiles

-In your opinion, what makes an Audiophile a true Audiophile?

-In your opinion, what do fake Audiophiles do that makes them fake?

I know these two questions open the door to all kinds of jokes but I'm looking for more thought out, honest opinions here.
Isn't an audiophile simply someone who cares about home audio sound quality?

Am I missing something?

Why would someone fake an interest in sound quality? The only reason I can think of is to sell something to a true audiophile. Much better ways to spend one's time otherwise I would think. An indicator of such a person might be a strong bias towards a certain product or products alone. Happens a lot around here. :^)
My honest opinions.
True Audiophile - Sound is magic, not technology. The older the better.
Fake Audiophile - Sound is technology, not magic. The newer the better.
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"True Audiophile - Sound is magic"

if true, then it would seem all Audiophiles are delusional. Maybe to some degree, but I think I can identify a knowledgeable audiophile for every one that relies mainly on "magic".

I will admit that I was more that way myself when young and first getting started. Luckily, I believe I learned some things over the years.

Everyone has to start somewhere, even an audiophile. Live and learn. At first, it may well seem like magic.