Daryls House - some great takes on familar songs

Check out You Tube and search on Daryls House.
There's 108 songs performed by Daryl Hall with various artists - - Smokey R., Todd R., Pat M., ..... so many more.
Performed at his studio in Sherman CT.
Some of the songs are really cool....
Enjoy :)
Notec, have you actually watched or listened to the show? The point of my previous post is that even a non-believer might like it.

Have you had a look at Daryl and Todd Rundgren doing I Saw the Light and Daryl and Smokie Robinson doing Ooh Baby?

Did you notice the performance lighting? Did you notice that Van Morrison and many other performers shade their eyes from performance lighting?
I've seen the show a few times. My BFF likes housewife rock. No rain on parades - but come on - there are so MANY really good songwriters out there to be muddled with DH and his "has been" guest list playing their "has been" songs. Lyme disease or not... shades indoors are like butt implants - unnecessary.
Actually Daryl Hall has featured quite a few up and coming singer/song writers on his show !
The problem with them , that I have , is his influence on their music ! While I do love it and it makes for a great show ... when one hears these artists on their own it is not the same sound .
One big pop artist , that will remain nameless , I do not find particularly pleasing . But when they were on Daryl's House , it was one of the better shows !
Just my opinion .

Happy Tunes

Daryl Hall has done some very interesting music, including War Babies with John Oates and his collaborations with Robert Fripp. He is also IMO one of the better male pop singers of the last 50 years. If the blue eyed soul thing doesn't move you, Hall may not register. However, Daryl's House goes way beyond that (lots of new, younger guests). Hall has covered a lot of stylistic ground over the course of his career and covered it very well. IMO.

Take a listen and you might be surprised.