R.I.P. John Renbourn

One of my favorite musicians. So sad to lose another.

John Renbourn Obituary
So very sad and such a loss, my sympathy to his family and close friends. He shall be missed. In the morning I shall listen to Sir John A lot in his memory.
One of my favorite guitarists as well, extremely versatile. I far preferred his playing to Jansch's in the Pentangle days.
A wonderful man and a true scholar and musician is gone the way of all flesh. Bless you, Mr. Renbourn.
Yes, agreed I was sad to see he passed away. As a relatively young person I did not realize until reading the obituary in the NYT how much he contributed to guitar players over the years. Playing my Pentangle album in honor of a great musician! If anyone has other recommendations by Mr. Renbourn, please post.
I have all of his solo albums I have been able to find on vinyl, and they are all great, though some of the songs overlap with the Pentangle. " The Black Balloon" is probably my favorite, though "Sir John Alot", and "Lady and the Unicorn" are also great. But as I said, all of them are worth having
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