Warm, fullbodied, smooth, and transparent

What IC best describes warm, fullbodied, smooth, and transparent to help a thinner sounding CDP.
Virgo have had your power cords in sight, considering the source 3 fo CDP and refrence Master for Amp. Recently dis covered your comments about the Eminence, and how you fill about it.So how would you compare the Eminence to the other two I mentioned. What differences would there be.

Mrtennis writes:
so if i understand you seabreeeze, you are seeking a coherence, balanced frequency response and sufficient resolution without sounding analytical.

perfectly said Mrtennis.

keep us updated as to when your review is available

Thanks again everyone.
Seabreeze, the Eminence gives you more of these sound qualities....or I should say it takes less away from these qualities in regards to the overall sound of a recording.

Dealer/Manufacturer disclaimer
Why dont upgrade your CD player first? I do have JPS Aluminata on loan, comparing to my much less expensive cable and while its clearly a winner, I still be upgrading my CD player first, because the price differences is shocking.
FMS Nexus is a great cable. I use it with my CDP.
Ecosse Myth - just fabulous, also have it, totally satisfied. And, of course, Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference.