Do powercords make a difference in sound?

Do they make a difference by upgrading stock power cords in amps, ect versus aftermarket power cords? If so, can anyone advise a good bang for the buck upgrade?
Mrtennis, is there a definitive conclusion to anything in music reproduction? I always think it is ironic that we only use our eyes rather than our ears in these groups. Certainly no one can demonstrate here the superiority of one brand of pcs, ics, ac filters, line stages, etc.
While hardly the most expensive model going, it still freaks me out a bit to think that I 'have' to spend even this much on power cords.

and since my investment in the gear they power is many times that amount

First let me say to Zaikesman I am only using your text as illustration for my question.

I am not singling him out, he just said it so well.

I am quite sure there are many people in the same boat.


For the amount of money many have spent on these components, doesn't it seem reasonable these components would come with the cord that allowed them to perform their best?

May be the wrong place to ask this but the opportunity presented itself with Zaikesman's statement.

I've been pondering this for quite some time. Looking forward to your responses.



Hi Corazon, I think audiophiles have already voted with their feet (and wallets) on this one -- we want the flexibility to play with different aftermarket cords on our own. It's like asking why most speakers don't come standard with 'matching' audiophile-approved speaker cables. Just give us an IEC inlet and a Belden cord we can stash in the closet, and don't charge us more for something we prefer to choose for ourselves.
I never asked Nelson about power cords although I believe he felt they would not make too much of a difference.

Nelson Pass on Power Supplies:
I have stated my opinion but what I find interesting is how two different audiophiles can have differing opinions on how a specific combination of component and power cord sound.