Neutral to Lean Power Cord for tube preamp

I recently added a deHavilland UltraVerve preamp to my system. It is quite powerful and dynamic, but has a little too much bass emphasis through my Von Schweikert speakers, driven by a McCormack DNA-1. All cables are silver, using a VooDoo power cord now on the preamp. Everything plugs into a PS Audio Quintet on a dedicated line. Looking for a very neutral, or slightly lean more detailed power cord, price range is up to $400 used. I am still tube rolling, so bass may get tamed a bit more yet.
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I would not expect the tonal effects of a power cord, if any, to be consistent or predictable from system to system. Especially when used on a preamp, which draws an essentially constant amount of current, and generates little if any rfi.

I would pursue a different approach, of which there are obviously many possibilities.

-- Al
I do agree with the posts above although a used Nordost Vishnu or Brahma would likely move you that direction.
You most certainly can achieve your goal via pc. I would look at whatever the highest Nordost cable you can find in your range. Those have exactly the flavor you described as the goal. GL!
One thing not yet mentioned that would make a huge difference is how well your components are isolated. Ceraballs, stillpoints etc can likely make more of a difference than the power cord. Improvements in this area will tighten the bass and give you more detail.