Another Cable Burn-in Question

I've checked the archives and I'm still not certain about this. I want to burn-in a new ic cable between CD player and preamp. I set the CD player to repeat/play but does the preamp need to be turned on? I'd rather not leave my tubed pre on during burn-in if I don't have to.
In my opinion, as long as your ears aren't bleeding, I would just let them burn in naturally over time instead of knocking yourself out. If you are determined to burn them in, you should list the cable maker in your post, since burn in time will vary among the different makers and their own particular cable model.
Cyclonicman- the new cable is the Signal Cable silver resolution. I have been using this cable from pre to amp for over a year and for the money it is excellent, better than the AQ Jaguar here imo. I was curious whether using the same cable to connect the CD player to pre would best my current wireworld gold eclipse ($$) and wondered whether there might be a synergistic effect of having all Signal interconnects in my system except for the speaker cables which are AQ Everest biwire. I also realize that cables are very system dependent. I have read that the Signal cable needs in excess of 100 hours to really settle down and open up. After only about 20 hours of burn-in, the Signal cable already bested the WW in low frequency extension and control (articulation) and the highs were also more extended but not quite as smooth as the WW but may improve with additional break-in time. The mids aren't fully fleshed out yet and the soundstage still needs to open up (more). However, these are characteristics which potentially improve with additional cable break-in time. To be fair, I will reserve further comparison with my WW until after I'm confident that the break-in period is complete. However, I will say that in my system the Signal cable is seriously good especially for the money.

Send them to me and I will cook them for you on my Audioharma.

Destin, FL.
Glory- I'd almost be inclined to hand deliver them just to hear your system! I'll give it until next week and then I might take you up on that generous offer. Thanks.