What can I do to improve my computer?

I am currently running a Dell computer with windows 7 to my PS Audio PW DAC II via cat7 cable.....using the bridge. I am waiting to either get the new PS Audio Silent Server (when it comes out) or a MAC Mini to use as my source. Until that time, can you guys recommend some things that I can do to improve the sound from my computer? Are there programs that will help? Any settings I can change?

The computer is just a laptop that is used vary rarely by my wife when she needs it (maybe once a month). I would like to get the best sound out of it that I can while I wait for the other options mentioned above.

Tried it again, got further into the download until a pop up said I needed to add winzip for $69 bucks.Declined and I could not continue.
Are you guys sure this web site is not just a big SCAM ?
Levy03 --

You're welcome :) And glad to learn there are others who've had successful results with Fidelizer!

Ozzy --

I must say your case sounds weird - indeed unfortunate. Have you tried uninstalling everything related to Fidelizer, and then re-installed Fidelizer via the 'Download Fidelizer' link at the bottom of their homepage? Or maybe your problem doesn't lie in the download process, but how you access the file you've downloaded?


Perhaps others could help here? I'm no expert into this, but I do know the link works on my HTPC and several others I've recommended it to.
I've never had a problem downloading Fidelizer. You must be clicking the wrong place. Try again.
dont let windows manage your memory. manage it yourself and have the memory fime's min and max set to the same and set puter for optimum performance.