Cables for Merlin VSM-MXe speakers

Hi guys,

Ordered new MXe's and wondered about speaker cable.

Currently have Synergistic Research Signature no.1 (old!) and wondered about new cable.

I know Audience AU24 is recommended but what else is good?


I agree the Golden Refs are very synergistic with the Merlins (at least with the interconnects and reportedly the speaker cables as well). I am currently using the Synergistic Signature 10 (top copper cable in Synergistic lineup, single run with the Cardas jumpers). These give a very lively sound, very detailed as well, really don't lose much here to the Synergistic Resolution Reference (silver wire). However, I agree that silver cables may not work with the Merlins, all the Synergistic top of the line and the Ridge Street Poiemas were a little cool/analytical in my system.
I have tried both the PAD Venustas and Dominus (still use the Dominus digital cable) interconects in my system, for whatever its worth I prefered the Cardas Golden Ref, just a little more continuous sounding.
Another contender at a relatively low price is the DIY VH Audio CheLa speaker cable, a multi stranded copper cable as Bobby recommends. These are a bit warmer than the Synergistic 10's, mucho detail, organic and rich sounding, I'm still breaking in and evaluating the sound on these.
TG. Glad to hear it works with Merlins. I have Bob's power cords and bybee sucker and have been a big fan. I have the Golden Cross speaker cable and interconnect. Bobby had warned me off of TG in favor of Cardas. Bet TG is more affordable and if it works better, that is great news.

Bob Crump. Great guy. RIP.
Just as a side note to the TG Audio suggestion, and since I recommended Luminous cables, Bob Crump would get his wire from Luminous, at least for a time. Luminous and Mr. Crump had a close relationship. I once asked Luminous why they didn't make power cords and was told that it was because they felt that Bob got it "right"; they could never improve on what Bob had done so there was never any reason to do it. Not sure I can articulate why, but I thought that was interesting.