Cable selection for SET.

Hia Guys,
I've just ordered a Yamamoto a-08s to use with my Avantgarde duos and I'm wondering about matching speaker cables. My current cables are Kimber 8tc(5 metre pair). I was wondering if anyone had any advice to share on silver vs copper, length etc when using low powered SET.

Thanks for your help with this,
Restock, I have tried small guage wires including the Crystals and 47Labs and not liked the results. Perhaps I should have tried others.
Hey guys,
I think the message i'm getting is to give it go and see what synergys work best for me. I'll be trying the silver slinkylinks, the kimber 8tc and I may as well give the speltz a go as its pretty cheap.

What about length ?? (ooo errrr). I think I've read in a review that low powered SET prefer shorter length, lower resistance cables. Is this right ?? if so my 5m pair of kimbers might not be ideal.

thanks all.

Maybe one of the doppler radar preamplifiers and some discontinued ceramic cable are what you should consider.
Stan, you are so lame. First no one here knows what you are talking about, and second, you are wrong as usual about the cables being discontinued. I thought you were in hibernation; perhaps you should go back to dreaming about buying equipment that sounds good.
Hi Stan,
thanks for your very helpful comments, but I dont think that I could live without remote controll and I've not come across a doppler radar preamp with full remote function yet. (radar amplification seems very interesting tho)

Wishing you all well,
