Are all asynchronous USB inputs similar?

I was wondering if they were all the same, or were certain designs better than others?
In order to make broad conclusions about USB IMO, they must have auditioned every USB interface with every server configuration. This is highly unlikely. They can only rely on their own experience, just like the rest of us.

There are a lot of poorly conceived USB interfaces, even big names. Most of them on popular DACs are not that great. This is the reason why some people have a less than stellar experience with USB.

If you ask Antipodes, whose server is excellent, they would likely make the opposite claim, that with the RIGHT USB interface, USB is far superior to S/PDIF.

I, on the other hand have had a LOT of experience with many different high-end PCI cards, Sonos, Squeezebox2, 3, Duet, Touch, Firewire interfaces and several USB interfaces, adaptive and Async. I have designed or modded all of the above. My USB interface is 5th generation (Off-Ramp 5) and 6th is in prototype stage. I have used or modded servers including Naim, Qsonix, Soolos and Antipodes as well as modified Macs and PCs. I believe I am in a better position to determine which technology is superior. Empirical Audio has been in business for 18 years and I have been doing digital design for 38 years. Async USB driving S/PDIF or I2S can be every bit as good if not better than PCI bus driving S/PDIF, providing a good design and implementation. Driving I2S it should be better because it avoids S/PDIF conversions.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Steve, I'm with you, if computer sound card audio was better I would think more than one vender would use it. The USB is more convenient and you can use any computer you have in your house. I personally am not interested in trying the one product offered.
To be fair (unlike cerrot), Bryston uses a Juli@t PCI card in their server with very good results, although not quite as resolving as the best USB IMO. I thought their system at RMAF was better than any other all-one-manufacturer system. They even have their own speaker now.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
For sake of accurate information in this interesting discussion, there's no sound card for the Baetis as it's directly connected to the mother board. I agree with the convenience of USB but that doesn't necessarily correlate to superior sound, two different arguments. It's good to have choices among high quality offerings.
We can all see the original question. While I posted my usual, smug, remark, the responses (thanks, Charles), did conjure up some nice discussions (finally), where there's finally talk where the USB interface may just be more convenient than better sounding.

Happy to be a part of it.