Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?

Any one else out there using these Gabriel Gold IC's?
I need to know if it is me or if anyone else finds them as good as me.
I bought a pair on auction a while back and compared them to my Stealth cables.
After about a week of going back and forth I found the Gabriel Golds to have bettered my Stealths and bought more.
Is it me?
Just wondering what some other folks who bought them think of them.
Thanks for the input.
Jc, long ago when I had the big Avantgarde Trios, I had to move my equipment to a side wall with only the amp or amps between the speakers. This entailed a 14' long pair of ics to run between the line stage and the amp. Then Synergistic Research ARTs, which were at the first reflection point behind my source components on the left side. At Ted Denning's suggestion, I moved the sources between the speakers, but I did keep the equipment low.
This meant that I could no longer have multiple Manas under each rack. I now have at least eight in my storage room.

Even without the ARTs, the sound is much improved, and with the ARTS, it is very good-the best I have had.

I am using the Mana stands plus three Halcyonics. Tom has tempted me to try the Sistrums and several others the Stillpoints. Right now I think I will do neither.

I should also note that long ago I tried the Zoethecus. The Manas were superior.
Sorry that this thread is getting off the original topic of the gabriel golds but in a sense it is still related. My extreme satisfaction with the GG rev mk2 IC from CD to pre has led me to consider placing all my components close to my amp so that I could run a much shorter cable, perhaps another rev mk2, from pre to amp. I wonder whether I need to be that much concerned about the quality of the racks being that my listening room is part of a finished basement where carpet piercing spikes contact the cement floor. My zoethecus has points, seems very sturdy, and the 5 z slabs with their constrained layer damping and mass are way better than mdf or plywood. TBG did you use the z slabs with your old zoethecus?
jc-isn't it fun when you find a cable/speakers that transforms your system and then makes you want to reconstruct your room to gain greater benefits.
been there!
JC, no I did not. I am not even certain they were available at that time.
I did it. Now my pre and CD are both within 1 meter of each other. Now, rapture or rev mk 2 and where should the better cable be placed if I do get a rapture, at the source?