Plasma speakers anyone with info?

I can find many sites for diy but cannot find any for sale . Help! Nick
Twice is enough???? That's the same dry line my wife gives me.

Sincerely, I remain
Well, don't worry, we ain't married. Tell her it's not the numbers, its the duration.....(-;
Those green tanks for the Plasmatronics were filled with HELIUM, not argon, as I recall (and you and I heard the same ones at the same time, Bear!)
The ozone emitting speakers you guys are talking about was called Dayton-Wright. They were big, heavy, and sounded great. I understand that the membranes failed pretty readily, so they went out of business. The original speaker that Joe Grado used as reference was AR1Ws for the low end, Janzen electrostats for the mids, and the Ionivac supertweeter for the highs.
The Dayton-Wrights were electrostats, not plasma speakers. The diaphragms were enclosed in "bags" containing (as I recall) sodium hexafluoride gas, so I doubt they emitted any ozone (which results from breaking down AIR or other gas containing oxygen, not sodium hexafluoride)