Brinkmann vs TW Acustic

Was wondering how these two German manufacturers compare.
Bardo vs Raven One
Oasis vs Raven GT
LaGrange vs Raven AC
Is there a unique sound signature that goes up with the range? Which is a better value? (i.e. maybe the Oasis is better than the Raven AC)
Have heard both in show conditions, but could not pin-point their contribution to the end result as the rest of the system was unfamiliar as well.
TW tables are okay but that's it, all I can say is choose your poison. I don't miss mine.

Where are these TW tables actually manufactured "facility" because when I was heading off to Germany to Mercedes Benz facilities for a tour I also inquired one of the TW manufacturing facilities but was told such was not available which really seemed very odd.

Has anyone been to it.

Ebm, oh no you are the one who knows everything, all one needs to do is read your posts over the past years which offer nothing. :-)

The usual one liners "fan boy" replies or sarcasm with snide remarks towards other members as you have clearly demonstrated numerous times above in this thread.

Do enjoy!
Hi Dgad,


-in relation to being on battery mode and now being able to hold an approx. 20 hour when did this finally happen

-Have you actually kept a log, how long is the charge vs being on battery mode now while playing a record.

-You mention you can clearly hear a difference now compared to prior versions and you have now owned several, what year are you referring to and how many versions.

I never received any information of such while owning any of mine.

-When you make mention it's an audible difference what are you actually referring to.

I could hear along with others who heard my system back when I owned mine a few years ago the differences but both Jeff and Thomas dismissed such but now all the sudden you make references to changes and such being audible, interesting.

Kindly enlighten us further along with what was done.

I agree the bass was boomy and just one of my issues, I spent additional monies to address such. I actually purchased a custom made Minus K platform that Jeff had commissioned. I also tried numerous other methods which helped but in the end did not satisfy.

So more work has been done on the controller unit so it can now finally lock in on 33.3 speed, this is good news and was needed. When did this finally actually happen, what year.

-What other changes have been made to the Black Knight table

In relation to the AC tables have changes also been made to their controllers, any more bearing changes. I know there are many tables out there built in different years and are different variances of the same table but most can not actually be upgraded fully to the latest version mainly due to the bearing change.

-The motor unit, on mine the actual pulley's the way they were manufactured have a roundness in the middle. When I eye balled mine viewing at the same level I could clearly see a variance of the belt wondering up and down on the three pulley's and interacting, such being transferred to the platter which would be transferred to the bearing. At one point I used a scope just for fun to magnify the sound, I tried various motor methods including my AC motors. 1 or 2 or 3 even 1 or 2 or 3 of the pulley's on the BK motor unit which was really interesting. I even placed one AC motor on the opposite side of the platter inline with the spindle but not actually working but with a belt on it, listening. This was very interesting indeed, taking pressure of the bearing and only being pulled to one side.

I'm not at home right now to double-check but I referred to slower based on the 33 mark moving in the direction the "slower-arrow" is pointing to on the strobe-remote-gadget . I thought this designates slower speed because I recall having to increase speed to move the mark back to a steady position. I'll double check this weekend.

If indeed the table slows down with one motor, then I suspect the three motors supply ample torque to compensate thus effect and that us why you dont see a drift. In any case, the mark does move on mine.

I was referring to leveling if the plinth. Not the motor.

I tried Millenium and Boston mat and like the bare copper the best.

Syntax, since you are all knowing, please let us know, is TW motor spinning at 34 rpm, 40 rpm, 30 rpm or what.
PS, I am also curious, before Timeline came out, do you use ya turntable? Were you able to dial in the speed as accurately with other method as accurately as Timeline? If no, were you able to enjoy listening to LP at all? If yes, why did you bother to buy Timeline, to enjoy the blinking light?