Brinkmann vs TW Acustic

Was wondering how these two German manufacturers compare.
Bardo vs Raven One
Oasis vs Raven GT
LaGrange vs Raven AC
Is there a unique sound signature that goes up with the range? Which is a better value? (i.e. maybe the Oasis is better than the Raven AC)
Have heard both in show conditions, but could not pin-point their contribution to the end result as the rest of the system was unfamiliar as well.

I was hoping to amuse you. Do some research on what people feel about PRAT. Does digital have PRAT. Most music recorded these days is done digital. Does R2R have PRAT? Does music have PRAT.

And to make it clear, should PRAT ever be the defining feature of music, our system, a turntable.

I just listen to music. Sometimes I get up & dance with my 3 year old, sometimes by myself. I just enjoy it. Even in my car I can enjoy it, my biggest problem with my stereo are the phone call interruptions.

So back to you Panni. Stop with the condescending tone. No need for it. If you want to join others here in that manner I can certainly take you on, but I am not out to insult or bash anyone unless they don't let up.

As Raul would say, enjoy the music.

As I would elaborate, enjoy the music, not the dissection of it into......

Sorry, but I really find brunettes more beautiful. I do find a few blondes beautiful, but mostly brunettes.

I love Vanilla ice cream over chocolate.

I guess we all have our biases.

Enjoy Chico.
PRAT comes from the musicians, not equipment. As if UK gears has some monopoly on PRAT ( certainly marketing lol! ).............yeah right.
Dancing with your 3 year old is what music is all about.
Time does fly.
Let me know when your next trip to L.I. is planned.
Music and lunch/dinner is on me.
I just happen to be a brunette and vanilla guy too.
All the best
Dev, I had problem with belt moving up and down on the pulley of my AC1. However that was easily fixed once I adjust the height oh the motor and turntable properly.

I also have Timeline which I used on tw VPI and microseiki . It is not a big issue for me that I could not dial in tw to exactly spot on like my micro seiki.
By my calculation, may be someone want to verify this, a 20 minutes piece of music playing at 33.3333 vs 33.30 , the difference is 1.2s or 2.4s at 33.4 rpm. Now I don't think tw error is even this high. I doubt any musician can play 20 minutes and kept precision to +- 2s in 20 minutes. We all know that studio recordings are all spliced from multiple takes. Even live recordings are sometimes taken from a few performances and edited together. Orchestras can be pitched at A440 A 441. A442 even a445. And some performances are pitched at A420 and they all sound just fine as long as they are pitched equally. If 33.3333 is a significant different from 33.320 33.34 or whatever, that's beyond my hearing ability. If a person's pitch is that precise, I doubt that person would be incapable of enjoying any piano pieces that have any sharp or flat due to compromise in equal temperament tuning either. Timeline is fun to play with but in the end, it is really overly sensitive, I think .
Back in the 50s and 60s, all those with wonderful bluenote, decca, mercury lps, are recording equipments, Lp producing equipments calibrated to such precision level as Timeline offer? If not, timeline may make people worry much about nothing.