Best cartridge options for around $200.

I need to send my Benz Glider to get re-tipped. I want to purchase an inexpensive cartridge for the interim and to use as a backup. I am looking for suggestion somewhere in the $200. price range. I can't spend a lot right now what with the re-tip and other obligations. I was thinking about maybe a Clearaudio Concept but am looking for other suggestions. My turntable is a Clearaudio Innovation Compact with Universal arm.
I didn't read every post. The Shure MM97xE is inexpensive, but it's frequency response is one of the most accurate available, and it tracks well with the Stevenson alignment geometry at maximum VTF and the brush up. It's not for audiophile snobs. It's for music lovers who want accuracy. (Yes, I resent some if the bashing it gets). It's not justified based on testing and listening results. It's almost not fair a cartridge that cheap performs so well.
What about the Shure m97xe/JICO SAS combo? That's about $240 total invested. I have an AT440mla and the stock Shure right now and they seem to do what most people describe. I'm hoping that the SAS will bring out more detail and track like the AT. Shooting for a sound between the 2.
I just ordered the SAS, but one person can only make 7 of those in a day so it'll be a few weeks.

However, if I had to toss one in the fire I would toss the Shure and keep the AT.