Strain gauge vs Zyx 4D/Atmos


Has anybody gone from a Zyx 4D/Atmos or Universe to the Strain gauge? I have a 4d/Atmos running into a Whest Ref V phono and the combo sounds fantastic. Do you think it would a sideways step going to the Soundsmith?

I have read a few people say the Straingauge beat their previous cartridges, but I don't think they had a phono stage as good as the Whest.

Has anyone gone back to another cartridge after using the Strain Gauge?

Unfortunately I cannot demo the soundsmith in my system.
Dear Slowlearner: +++++ " You don't own a strain gauge... " ++++

no I don't because I donĀ“t have any single LP that conforms with the SS strain gauge eq. curve. I heard it in different systems. Mr. Doobins know what was my comment a few time ago when I heard it at his place and that was before I been aware of the whole SS straing gauge facts.

++++ " because your true issue is that you don't have the ability to listen " ++++

yes I accept this statement, not all people have that ability but the best of all is that always exist the opportunity to improve and I try hard every single day. I'm not there but sooner or later I will arrive to other listeners top level.

++++ " tired of your attacking my products " +++++

IMHO my comments to Leicachamp are in no way an attack but what I understand about. If what I posted is untrue then just say so and the best way to tell me I'm wrong ( Certainly I can be wrong. ) is to post the SS strain gauge eq. curve where everyone could see that that ss curve even the inverse RIAA. eq. one: easy, not big deal.

+++++ " not identifying yourself as a manufacturer " +++++

sorry but I'm not a manufacturer, I'm not selling any audio item .

+++++ " I will NOT work on any more of your cartridges ever " +++++

your privilege.

++++ " If you were a real engineer, you would post a curve of your stereo from your listening position - which by your requirements would have to be flat within .1 dB, and if it is not, then you would have to explain why that " +++++

certainly not 0.1db.

+++ " But you can't " ++++

why ask for something tha's impossible to achieve.

In an open forum like this we can read several different opinions in different audio subjects/items where the most of the time almost we can't find out two similar opinions with ( example ) the same cartridge model: one person like some characteristics and dislike others and the other persons likes something different and dislike what the other likes:

Peter, what these two persons dislikes and they posted are considered a product/cartridge attack?, becvause from this point of view this as other forums all over the net are full of product attacks!

I'm not against any of your products per se or against you, I just like to analyze " things " and share my findings.

++++ " have caused you to lose many friends " ++++

I really sorry to hear that and I mean it. Maybe in the future to avoid that fact I will post opinions that goes against my own true/knowledge/findings that in some ways could be a deceit for my self and obviously to other persons.
Anyway, I think I can't do that because that's not my " own nature ".

Regards and enjoy the music,

Regards and enjoy the music,
Yes, I totally agree with Peter Ledermann.
Raul, please stay quiet, enough is enough.
I am not famiiar with the strain gauge system but heard opinions that it is up there with the very best. It is also a unique design. Not many can try it because of the price but those who can, I think, should.
Dear Leicachamp;

The below links may be helpful to you.

The Strain Gauge system has changed over the years I have been producing it. We are now in the 4th generation design. I have been working with them for the past 35 years. The below are some review links that might prove helpful in answering your question; one is from the second unit we ever sold; some are from later units.

You will also see some serious attempts to hijack the thread in one of them. But - there is also useful information from many who responded.

The bottom line is what users think - NOT what I think. I can tell you that it is a different animal altogether from magnetic devices, and explain the technical reasons and changes I have made, but since it is so different, the best any consumer can do is to listen to those who own
it, lok for "common" reactions, and assume that those are going to line up with many peoples responses, but not all.

It is an itneresting fact that when played in England for a well known reviewer, he turend to me and said that the SG was "unlistenable". When we got over the uncomfortable moment, he suggested we compare it to a CD of the same performance. When we did, he was shocked, and turned to me and apologized, saying "I never realized how accustomed I had become to magnetic sound". We then listened to his brand new $8000 MC, and .....he was further shocked. He then said the SG was "perfect". Of course, it is not, but it is unique.

We do have a "type" of acountic memory that says - this is is how it's "supposed" to sound - and for about 10-20% of folks who have heard the SG, it sounds so different - it's wrong to them. But many of those who then listen on, change their minds. It is a different animal - that is the bottom line. Nothing is perfect, BUT....the path to go is in choosing what things to try to technically do well, and optimize the rest as best as possible.

Thank you for your post -

Peter Ledermann/Chief Cooka nd Bottlewasher/Soundsmith
Paul and I heard the Strain Gauge in Peter's room at RMAF 2008 (apparently not the current version). We're also intimately familiar with ZYX 4D/Atmos, having penned the first ever review of that cartridge. See my signature.

From this experience I agree with much of what Peter wrote. We would not consider moving from one of these cartridges to the other to be a lateral move. They are very different cartridges with very different strengths and weaknesses. Our own preference for one over the other was quite strong, and for specific reasons having nothing to do with Raul's concerns.

If you like a pure, simple, dynamic sound that's quiet, accurate and makes no errors of commission, the Strain Gauge we heard might work for you. OTOH, if like my partner and me you are very (some would say inordinately) sensitive to the presence (or absence) and accuracy of upper order harmonics, if you enjoy very low level detail, then the ZYX is more likely to satisfy.

If you enjoy the strength of the 4D/Atmos in these areas and simply want more, buy a UNIverse or get your hands on a Lyra Olympos or Ortofon A90. Any of these outperform the Strain Gauge we heard in the reproduction of harmonic subtleties.

Those sonic priorities are ours of course. Only you can decide on yours.