Sirius and Walker

Hi Folks:

I have first hand experience with the Walker turntable and, to this day, it's the finest I have ever heard. Can anyone compare the sound of the Walker with the Rockport with the same material? I'm very interested.

Thanks as always.

CT Audio Society
Maybe this will help...the Rockport is nice for visitors; it spent good quality time in my kitchen system. This turntable/arm combo is really happy with the Denon 103r cartridge that I bought for it; it looks great and hangs in there to help pass the time while cooking up a nice plate of pasta.

When I am getting serious and wanting to spend time with the Lyra Olympos, I enjoy that this cartridge is really a nice delicious fit and enjoys riding a silver-wired Fidelity Research 66S. I am finding that this is the superior system match, especially when it is sitting atop a well-tuned big Micro Seiki machine...these synergies are known to alleviate the blues.

Dear Unoear: Could be my ignorance about but: that T.Sheridan was the Sirius motor controller designer means for sure that he is an expert on tonearm set up or whole Sirius set up?

Btw, that inner groove mistracking was already solved in your unit?

Regards and enjoy the music,
Raul: You stated "Unoear posted: +++++ " I have had the Sirius System lll in my room. The same Sirius that JTinn is discussing. As JTinn has told me, the Sirius, as it was setup by its previous owner, was not able to successfully navigate the inner groves. " ++++++ and he add that Tim Sheridan gives his blessing on the Unoear Sirius tonearm set up.

We can assume Jtinn talked about this subject with M.Lavigne."

As I stated in my earlier post, what Unoear is saying is entirely not true and a complete lie. I never said anything of the sort.

My suggestion to you is to just ignore what Unoear and Syntax post. They are not here with any good intentions.

Best Regards,
Dear Unoear: With all respect maybe you are unaware of this but from your last post I can see that you now belongs to the high/heavy distorted/colored and inaccurate Sound's Club, good for you!.

Regards and enjoy the music,
11-18-11: Unoear
"Story goes on ..... and on ....and on .... went to bed 03.30 after listening to records and work began 09.00 again

The results are no more less than amazing....but we didn't reach the end.... next mod is in progress ...."

11-21-11: Unoear
"These are both (Rockport and D.'s enhanced dual platter Micro Seiki turntables) wonderful presentations and the comparisons ongoing."

11-21-11: Unoear
"Yes, they are fine turntables and I am fortunate to be able to find a way for the big Micros and the Sirius lll to find their way here. They both are fine examples of two possible turntable presentations done correctly."

11-23-11: Unoear
"... the comparison is in a process orientation and hopefully we will have more to report regarding our observations in a few weeks. .....A friendly fellow has offered to make his personal Olympos SL available so we can have two of the Lyra cartridges available during the comparison, thank you for your kind offer Dlanselm.
More to come on the comparison later."

I see in "Rockport Sirius III & Micro Seiki 8000 comparison" Rockport was in perfect condition. BUT in "Sirius and Walker" Rockport was not able to successfully navigate the inner groves. Obviously Giant killer come :-)