I'll never listen to another record...

...without cleaning it first.

Admittedly I've been very lazy in my pursuit of cleaning LPs - both old and new. Setting with dry brush cleaning only for decades.

Enter my new Loricraft PRC3. I've begun the daunting and arduous process of cleaning "every single LP" (worth cleaning of course - those 30+ year old teen year LPs are now being rounded up and put to the side - usually with deep scratches, beer stained covers and gatefolds with a "leafy" substance caught in the folds) in my collection. Starting with my favorites and what I consider audiophile recorded records first.

It's also starting another long put off task I've been avoiding for the better part of forty years: cataloging my collection. Cleaned records are now put into a spreadsheet and as if starting all over - these are the only records I'll put on the turntable. Forcing me to catalog them all. It's going to take some time tobesure. Periodically I'll save the list as a PDF and upload to my Android phone so that when I'm in the record stores browsing the record bins I'll be able to find out if I have the vinyl already.

Apart from what those with RCMs already know - the sonic benefits of a clean record and a sparkling clean stylus are extraordinary. Better late then never I suppose....
Get yourself some MFSL original master sleeves to put them in after you clean them. Your old paper sleeves will add dust to them as soon as you re-insert them. The MFSL are anti-static as well. That's what I do with mine. Save any original sleeves that have notes on them. Just slide them in next to the MFSL sleeve for future viewing pleasure.
Most of my old records I'm re-buying when I come across them when hunting for vinyl, as my care was mainly the Discwasher D4 system back in the day and I never cleaned the stylus'.

On new vinyl removing the mold release agent has been a real eye opener...

Abuck - I hear ya. I've been storing all my prized records in Discwasher VRP sleeve's (until they stopped production) then switched to Diskeeper Ultimate Audiophile Inner Sleeve's from Sleeve City. I prefer these over Mo-Fi's because Mo-fi's are flimsy and too big to fit inside most printed inner sleeves or card stock that often come with records. In some cases they dont even fit in the outer sleeve's! The only thing they have going for them are the marking's (arrows) that tell you where the opening is. SC now has new inner sleeves I'm using: Diskeeper Double Audiophile Inner Sleeves.
Best ever........
Notec, checking your list while you are in the record store to make sure you don't buy a duplicate is a surefire sign that you already have more records than you can listen to. I'll take your advice and take my list with me too. I have several lp's that I have two and three copies of. A list would have saved me a few hundred bucks over the last forty years.
Notec, glad you've discovered the benefits of hygiene! Better late than never, as you said. ;-)

I'll respectfully disagree with the proposition that some records don't need cleaning. All records, old or new, benefit from cleaning.

One of the many ways to inadequately care for an LP is to play it uncleaned. Guess what happens when you scrape dirt along a plastic surface using a sharp diamond blade under pressure? Whether one hears the resulting damage depends on one's system and ears, but the damage is being done regardless.

Notec, search this forum for Loricraft and you'll find many tips and suggestions for getting the most from this excellent machine. Enjoy your newly unmasked music!