recommendations for TT + arm + cart, around $3.5k

Hi all - I'm looking to upgrade a Rega P1 to something more substantial. My setup (currently being upgraded):

Focal 1027Be Speaker
Rogue Audio M-180 Tube amp
Peachtree Audio Nova preamp/DAC
Rega P1 with NAD PP2 phono stage

Can anyone recommend some turntables that I should check out? I know comparing the P1 with something in the $3.5k price range is wildly unfair, but FWIW it's sound is too soft for me, so I'm looking for something on the brighter side. I listen to all kinds of music, with the bulk being rock/jazz/country/folk and a little classical of late).

I plan to upgrade the phono stage in the not-too-distant future, but I'd like to get the table sorted first. Budget of, say, $3500 all-in (table + arm + cartridge).


Hi Brookjoo - not out of line at all, I appreciate the feedback. :)

However, I am going to go with a VPI Classic with a Sumiko Blackbird, and a PS Audio GCPH phono pre.

I don't want to go integrated at this point (hence picking up the monoblocks) - so the next step, which I'll hold off on for a few months, will be a replacement for the Nova (likely a standalone preamp and a standalone DAC - then the Nova can take over bedroom duties). But for now, I'm all set.

Thanks for everyone's help!
Heard a vpi classic the other day ........ great table and beautiful to boot ......Probably the first time I actually heard very good/great vinyl ..........It had a Benz cartridge (Don't know the model) running through a ARC phono-stage ..... and ARC amp/pre-amp ..... Good Stuff
To respond to Elizabeth, seems a shame to give up on the VPI Classic just because it is backordered. I would not think the lag time would exceed six weeks. Hope your Rega P5 meets all your needs. In my case, my dealer had one VPI Classic in stock but I had to wait a few weeks for the very same cartridge-a Benz Glider.
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Blackbird can sound a bit thin.....
Classic is a "classic choice" super tables and upgradeable..
worth the wait for one
Moving coils Dynavector,or lyra are really nice