Anyone using a Lyra Delos yet?

There was an initial thread about the Lyra Delos a few months back, but I haven't seen much follow up about users' impressions with this cartridge. Is anyone using a Delos and if so, how are you liking it?

I'm looking for a new cartridge for my VPI Classic and JLTi phono stage. I'm currently using an old Grado cartridge from my previous turntable, and it's on its last legs. So if anyone has any other suggestions I'd love to hear them. Price ceiling about $1,500. System used mostly to play rock, jazz and acoustic music.

Thank you.
I too am thinking of putting a Delos or a Keos on a Scoutmaster with JMW 9 Signature. I have the VPI/Dynavector cart on one wand and a Shelter 501 II on another. To add weight I had my dealer add a shim (from VPI I believe)between the cart and the arm.

The VPI/Dynavector is devoid of highs to my 55yr old ears compared to cd's or DVDA through the same amp/speakers. The Shelter lacks dynamics, noticeable on drum hits and the like. I have tried different cables, phono preamps and loadings.

Maybe Mr. Carr can lend us his thoughts on this combo or has someone actually tried it? Not looking for utmost detail, need upper highs and some slam with somewhat warm mids. Seems as Delos and Keos might have those characteristics.

Just mounted a Delos on my SME 309 tonearm with vdHul D-501 Hybrid cable from the armbase to my Audio Research PH3 RIAA. So far I am loading with 100 Ohm tantal resistors. The vdH cable has a capacitance of 75 pF/m - I have no idea og the capaciatance of the internal wire in the arm - anyone?
So according to the manual my load should be in the 200-390 Ohm range - pending what total capacitance is - I just read that it is a total of 155 pF - giving a load range of 330-160 Ohm. Gotta try this, when it has a bit more mileage on it...
So, nothing yet from JC but I bought the Kleos anyway.

OMG! This is apparently the cartridge the Sig 9/Scoutmaster needed in my system. Has stronger upper highs than my Shelter 501 II, speed/slam, really nice bottom end, full (not overdone) mids, AND plenty of detail without being harsh. I heard reverb on Paul McCartney's voice in places I had not heard before. Guitars are wonderful and the way this cart reproduces piano is probably illegal.

About the speed, as many of you have probably experienced, often you get speed in the form of the leading edge of the note but not the fullness or the decay. The Kleos gets it all. More of the "In the room" bit than I am used to hearing form this system.

I am hearing some sibilance that probably should not be there so I may need to go to 1.8g as I am a bit below that. Also at 100ohms and it probably needs more. Left the VTA where the Shelter was so there is probably some work to be done there. Overall it is a shade raw sounding but I suspect that is a breakin and setup issue. It is not what I would call harsh.

Y'all be cool,
>>12-30-10: Robob
I am hearing some sibilance that probably should not be there so I may need to go to 1.8g as I am a bit below that.<<

This is undoubtedly a tonearm, not cartridge, related issue. Or the alignment is imprecise.

I track Kleos in 3 tonearms at 1.75g or less without any issues.

Dealer disclaimer
Thanks for your reply.

1.8 did not solve it and I have checked the alignment. I brought the rear of the arm down as well. It may be less pronounced but it is still there. Otherwise the Kleos is quite nice. It has 3 or 4 hours on it now. I do not hear misstracking on high level passages, just sibilance and sometimes some grunge on male vocals. It is not on all vocals but it is fairly common.

I will start another thread as this is supposed to be Delos related.
