Upgrade from TW Acustic Raven AC-3 to what?

I have had the TW turntable (with 10" Da Vinci Grandezza arm and Grandezza cartridge) for two years. I have been happy with this TT and can live with it for a long time although i wish it wasn't as dark sounding, that the soundstage could be more spacious and the bass tighter. The upgrade bug in me is wondering for 50K ore thereabout, is there a TT that is superlative over the TW? One that would end my upgrading itch for the next 10 years?
The Raven doesn't have to sound as dark as it looks (hello Syntax ;-). If you want to keep that table, I recommend to place it on a effective isolation platform first. A Vibraplane should work (need some extra weight on top, i.e a 20 kg slate slab). You would be amazed how much more space and transparency, and in consequence enlightenment in terms of sound this machine could provide.

Next steps could be: reduce three motors to two motors, placed opposite to each other. Use one long driving media such as magnetic tape. Two opposite positioned motors help to free table's bearing from being loaded one-sided. You can hear the effect very well on recordings of solo voices. They appear more accurate shaped, more free.

Don't put the motors on the same platform as the turntable itself.

Some more fine tuning is possible with isolating platter mats.

If you want to go further, change the DaVinci to a FR-64s, and your system to a ZYX UNIverse or Lyra Titan i or a FR-7f - and darkness and narrowness should be gone (if your phono is not another bottleneck)

I own a Raven AC 2 since about three years now and have done all treatments mentioned above.

Two different audio fellows, listening guests at my place, said that my Raven sounds notable different to all the Raven set ups they have listened to before. Not only different - it sounds better: with space, effortless - not Raven like. I'm still happy with it, too. Syntax would only believe it when hearing it at my place.

So, before you spent money in a hurry, try out some things with the Raven. It is not really just a plug and play table but rather need some care.

Nevertheless, honestly, there are better designs. Just money gives no access to these.
I have heard this table a few times and its not dark sounding at all.
First off, the cart- what cart are you using it with ? try some clearaudio carts if you want it to be more detailed and neutral. Lyras are also on the neutral side of things.
2nd- as other suggested, the isolation stands. Critical mass stands (CMS) is a good place to start. Makes the most out of this TT.
3rd- arm- I heard this table with a variety of arms and each has a different sonic signature. Graham Phantom II, Triplanar are the arms of choice.
4th- as what people have shared in this thread, the vta and the vtf all makes a discernable difference with this TT.
5th- the phono cables again, can impart sonic signatures. Try some nordost phono cables for a lighter, airer presentation.

Good luck. Its a good problem you have!
If all fails, the SME 20 would be nice as well as the TW Black Knight. CLearaudio is also another candidate.
Walker, period.

I believe every well healed audiophile should own this table once in their life. It is the most revealing table you will every hear. There is n-o mid bass bump, and there is that enormous soundstage that you will remember forever. I had six years on mine and I still think about it most every time I play a record.

Peter, "Well-healed" indeed. Maybe after dropping that lead platter on your big toe. I have been impressed by the Walker too, every time I have heard one.
I am sure you will end your upgrade itch with a Walker Proscenium Black Diamond.