Micro Max 282 vs. Exclusive EA-10

I have mounted an Exclusive EA-10 on my Micro (I added a pic to my system), one of the most expensive Japanese tonearms, maybe a little underrated. The tonearm and the tubes are re-wired by Ikeda silver wire. The EA-10 reminds me very much of the Max 282, most properly it was built by Micro Seiki. Does anybody know if this is true?
Dear Nandric, is there actually a need for consensus?
Consensus according to some (in fact: to many people today ...) means to agree to their point of view. If one can't agree (for whatever reason - subjective, technical, cultural background, education, taste, history, social disposition), then consensus is out of reach. But I do not see this being a problem at all. Disagreement is all over the world and audio - no problem.
Here on an online audio forum egomaniac disputes and struggles between dominant males/top dogs are as common as they are in the woods, investment banking and on the soccer field ...;-) .....
Dear Daniel, 'is there a need for consensus?' In my case
only regarding all of my components. Otherwise I begin to
doubt with the consequence that only much more expensive
subsitute seem to come in consideration. But I am allowed,
I hope, to exploit the lack of any consensus between two
important members in our forum. I was in particular proud
of my 'windmills' and 'a red rag' but alas...

Daniel- this is a good combination. We were concerned there might be a little Lou Reed or David Bowie in there (hee hee).

Dear all,
I just arrived at the Petersberg in Bonn, where the freedom conference about Afghanistan took place. As it looks very much like freedom and consensus - at least in this thread and obviously not comforting Nandric very much ( I learned he derives from a tribe of warriors :-) - I may only state about what is missing.

Everything is said about food, drinks, wine, police, cooks and engineers, nothing is said about girls. Here it is where Raul may win the game. From my memory I regard the Mexican girls (the young ones, not being spoiled by food too much) as the most beautiful. Maybe the term best will again not meet everyone's taste and there are other nations competing for the crown. I do think it is worth to visit Raul's region on that topic too. Am I right?

Best & Fun Only - Thuchan