LAST - then and now?

Have been enjoying hauling records out of storage and listening to stuff I haven't heard in years. One thing I have noticed is that the records treated with LAST (probably a good 15 years or more ago) have held up really well.I know part of this is the cleaning on a Keith Monks machine they got before applying LAST - and possibly more importantly - I only went to the trouble with stuff I really liked.
At any rate - my question is this - has the base of the LAST product changed over the years? So many cleaning products were Freon based and are no longer made or made with different chemicals - does anyone know if LAST today is chemically identical to what it was 15 years ago?
Ag insider logo xs@2xstonedeaf
Chemicals similiar to "Freon" (Dupont's trade name for trichlorotriflouroethane) leave no residue.

In the case of LAST it's use was strictly as a carrier and had no efficacy of its' own. Much like solvent or water in paint, it served as a vehicle to carry the active ingredient(s).

In any case, there are other chemicals that have replaced halogentated (i.e. chlorine, flourine, and bromine based) products so there should be no difference in performance in LAST which is a useless product by any standard.
I too am a long time LAST user (since the early eighties) and my records are still mint condition after all these years. I had the same question, along with "how long does the treatment last, once applied?". I called the factory and had a very educating conversation with them.

I was told that the formulation has not changed at all since its introduction, so that should answer your question. I was also informed that the liquid does not put a coating on the record, instead it permanently alters the chemical composition of the vinyl surface and the record will never need to be retreated. It cannot be washed or worn off.

I would suggest that you call the factory (see link below) and talk to them, as I did a few years ago - very enlightening. Keep using LAST and keep that analog flame burning!
"Useless product by any standard"

Is that why LAST stylus products are the only ones approved by Van Den Hul for their cartridges? Last has been and still is a valuable help with keeping my collection alive. After 30 years in high end and with a $30K analog rig, I hope I have some idea what I'm talking about.

Opinions, esp from dealers, which are so sharp with criticism let me know two things: (1) I'm really stupid and (2) I can't hear. I'm glad when they put me in my place, as it narrows down the field of opinions that I might otherwise value.

That's what I love about this hobby: we're all blessed with positions of Godlike knowledge and objectivity and we're quick to share our superior opinions :).