Steelhead as a preamp?

I'm thinking of buying another Steelhead to use with two turntables and a cd player without another preamp. When I had one before, I thought I prefered the sound through another preamp, but didn't give the Manley much direct to amps use because I wanted the remote volume that the preamp offered.
Does anyone have a comment on the sound quality of the Steelhead direct vs. the Steelhead into another pre? Thanks.
Thanks for the responses so far. They're appreciated. I'm using a Clearaudio Concerto although I've got my eye on Dynavector.
>>One other thing you might try: even though you may have a moving coil cartridge, use the moving magent output.<<

The Steelhead does not have a moving magnet output. It has 2 variable outputs and 1 fixed output.

It does, however, have 2 pair moving coil inputs, 1 pair moving magnet inputs, and 1 line input.

As Stringreen indicated, all connections are single ended. That being said, I've used the Steelhead with a handful of balanced linestages (using unbalanced inputs of course) with great results.

Dealer disclaimer
I agree with Cohnaudio. I used to own the Steelhead. While using the XV-1S, it sounded much more transparent when you did NOT go through the transformers.
Bkonig or Cohnaudio~~Did it sound soft to you when running directly into the amps? Would this "softness" indicate some mismatch or is it inherent. Thanks again.