The Best $10,000.00 Table + Cartridge

I need some help to buy the best sounding table + cartridge with $10.000.00, i can go a little over just in case.


Please explain your so called expert opinion. Inquiring minds would like to know.

I think he means that VPI is an over-priced, over-advertised, mid-fi brand that is no match for comparably priced products from companies like Teres, Galibier, and Basis. But I will let Bill speak for himself.
Lots of bad feelings it appears around VPI... Despite feelings or irrational 'emotions', try putting a Dynavector 507 on an Aries 3 and then LISTEN to it...your feelings about overpriced, over advertised, and mid-fi performance will change most likely change...

Don't knock what you haven't heard... :)


If $10,000.00 is Jopi88's budget that's his budget. You coming off like a snob doesn't add any value to what he's trying to accomplish. I thought this was a forum where someone could come for help and/or insight. Maybe it's best you take your sleepy butt to bed and return with helpful answers instead of insults... From one New Yorker to another.
Jmo, you missed the point of Emailists' post. It was humor, and good humor, too. Unless your reply was also a joke, in which case...oh, never mind.

I'm with Kublakhan, also lusting for the Raven One.

I accidentally deleted Option #2 from my original post. Here is the corrected post:

I can not tell you what to do, however, I can tell you what I would do:

Option #1:

Galibier Serac/Artisan Tonearm/Dynavector 17d3....$4,600
Loricraft PRC 3 RCM (Currently on sale)................$2,370
Art Audio Vinyl One................................................$2,400

Total = $9,370

Option #2 (If you already own a RCM and a phono stage):

Raven One........................................$5,500
Schoeder Model 2 Tonearm............~$2,600
Denon 103R.......................................$ 380

Total = $8,480

Good luck!