Anyone tried/owns Origin Live Enterprise tonearm?

This arm interests me. Unfortunately I have no way to borrow one and try at home, so hopefully someone can give some feedback on it?

Please describe your analog setup as well, and what you've used prior to the Enterprise. Or even more interesting could be if you've tried it and moved on, why and to what did you move? :)

I currently play on a Clearaudio Master Reference with the Unify 14" arm and a Goldfinger v1 cartridge, which connects to MBL's phono module for the 6010D preamp.
At that price point a Schroeder, DaVinci, Graham Phantom, Dynavector 507, etc. costs far less and gives better performance.

Good luck.
Did you try the Enterprise, AudioFeil? If so I'd love to hear your thoughts and comparisons.

It's of little use to me to get a list of other products without a comparison - I hope you understand. It would however be most welcome if you or someone else would say that the Schroeder arm for example is better because of this and that, or that the Origin arm will beat the Dynavector because of this and that and so on. :)

The thing is that where I live, there is no way to borrow a couple of different arms and evaluate them at home, so hearing experienced opinions on various products is very valuable to me.

By the way, price and value isn't a factor, I'm only interested in the performance.
Hi there,

I can tell you that I used to OWN various tonearms including the Linn Ekos MK.2 , an SME 5 , an Origin Live Illustrious and now (and I believe FINALLY!) an Origin Live Conqueror MK.3

I have heard many tonearms and variations/combinations... I have IN THE PAST, SPENT A GOOD DEAL OF MONEY...AND BEEN VERY DISAPPOINTED...


The Enterprise is TRULY MARVELOUS! and with your turntable, I would say that EITHER the Conqueror or the Enterprise would be an excellent match...easily leaving Shroeder, DaVinci, Graham and Dynavector WAY BEHIND... BOTH IN SOUND and ALSO IN LOOKS and Beautifully simple looks and design...

Bunches of hinges and dials are NOT what is required to make music FLOW and SING!

The Clearaudio turntables, Particularly the M/Ref. are wonderfully accurate; the Origin Live arms capitalise on this and provide a completely realistic whole atmosphere to the music, which you should expect to hear from a live performance.

These arms both track so well with avariety of cartridges, give such a LOW to Nill noise floor (removing so many pops and crackles)...

In short, I have NEVER enjoyed music more... and...

I have NEVER heard better or more realistic... music that WILL flow into your soul without any effort at all

Best wishes in your search,


I forgot to say,

I currently own (after many auditions of VERY Expensive turntables, tonearms and cartridges)

Origin Live Sovereign Mk.1 and Conqueror Mk.3

unlike some who comment, I am not a dealer and am not in any way biassed toward one product or least I never used to be...

I got an excellent deal on my products...where are you based?

Regards, Ian
Thanks Ian, that was encouraging to hear. I'm glad you're enjoying your music! :)

I'm in Sweden, and unfortunately there's nobody stocking the OL arms up here. I'll see if I can borrow one directly off Origin unless I can persuade my dealer to get one.