Finding ultra-pure water locally...

I've been reading up on record cleaning, and there seems to be something of a consensus that rinsing with ultra pure water / lab-grade water / triple distilled water (I'm assuming these are just different names for essentially the same thing?) helps. Where does one buy such water locally? I would imagine paying postage to ship 10 lbs of water would be rather high. I'm in the San Francisco Bay Area. Tks!

Any Pharmacy will likely have distilled and often including deionised water too and usually pretty cheap. I can get 4 L = 1 gallon worth for $2.00.
Not an expert here but wouldn't boiling water then running it thru a charcoal filter work?
To my knowledge the purest water (h2o, nothing else) is from a reverse osmosis filter. Aquarium stores sell it as it is used to top off salt water / reef tanks as water evaporates, but adds no minerals, chemicals, or anything else that may hurt the tank. They call it RO water, and in my area I pay about 50 cents per gallon.

Regards, Alex