PC connect to audiophyle system

What is the name of the devise that allows one to connect a PC to a 'separates' sound system? How is the resolution and what products do you recommend? Appreciatively
Markphd, Your input is helpful as I am now building various music genres at Pandora.com for when I get the PC to feed into the sound system. I assume the use of a "Y-cable" would have a volume limitation as well lower resolution than what the SqueezeBox would provide? With a Magnum Dynalab FM receiver that costed BUCKS years ago, I hate to see the need for an FM receiver go away! I appreciate you taking the time for me here.
I would look into the M-Audio Audiophile PCI card.

quite good sound and very low noise level.

Bolder Cable does modifications to the Squeezebox and will also modify a power supply you supply. I did the power supply mod and it was effective.

If you use a "Y-cable", you certainly have some resolution loss comnpared with an audiophile set-up. As for volume limitation, you shouldn't have less volume than what you can comfortably listen to. You can also buy audiophile grade sound cards as an upgrade to your computer; however, I think a Squeezebox would be an economically better option than spending what a good sound card costs, and it would be more versatile.