PC connect to audiophyle system

What is the name of the devise that allows one to connect a PC to a 'separates' sound system? How is the resolution and what products do you recommend? Appreciatively
...and I would like to do it hardwired for better resolution if the resolution via wireless is not optimal
Squeezebox is a great little product that can be used wireless or with Ethernet cable and is only $300. Resolution is pretty good, but not quite CD quality. The new Duet, also by Logitech, is similar, but with the display on the remote, $100 more. The Slim Devices Transporter is reputed to be much better, though I haven't heard it, at $1995, I believe. You might try the Squeezebox through a DAC, assuming you have one.
NCarv, thank you for responding. My Conrad-Johnson PV11 tube preamp, which I assume the ethernet cable you mentioned in your response needs to attach to, does not have ethernet input jacks, and it is 80 feet away!!! Does the SqueezeBox have RCA jackets, and what how expensive will it be for 80 feet of ethernet cable versus doing the distance worelessly?