Tube Tuners

What are you guys using for tuners? How many of you are using a Scott tuner?
So are you telling me that there are no Tube Tuners being used by members of this forum?
The best place for tuner information is to join the yahoo FMtuners group. I have a Mcintosh MR67 tube tuner and really like it. I was looking for either a MR67 or MR71, but got the MR67 because I found one in mint condition. The McIntosh tuners sound great, hold their value, and you can have them serviced by either Terry Dewick or Audio Classics.

A good place to buy tube tuners is actually ebay. Search for the model(s) you are interested in for about a month to get a feel for price and the range of conditions. Best to wait and bid on one that is in really good shape. Mine still looks brand new and it is 40 years old!
As with yourself, I love tubes - not necessarily just vintage stuff though and I almost went the tube tuner route ala McIntosh some years ago.

Before I did the deed, I had an opportunity to listen to a Accuphase 101 in my system (all tubes) and I must tell you how impressed I was. Not only with all the tuner performance criteria (the spec's re reception) but the analogue output. When tuned to a good classical station the output was crystal clear, not warm, not cold, not grainy, not anything but crystal clear! Love it still. Its now about 30 years old and everything works just like new.

Don't write off some of these old SS tuners. You may not need tubes. BTW I owned Sansui TU717, Magnum, and Perreaux tuners before this purchase. Not even close in build or sonics with any of these. FWIW.
I was wondering if anyone has input on the rebuilt Scott tube tuners,Mapleshade is pushing."They" make some pretty amazing claims,and I wonder if there is any validity to the promised performance.