Tube Tuners

What are you guys using for tuners? How many of you are using a Scott tuner?

Showing 4 responses by piedpiper


the Mapleshade Scotts are very good. When it comes down to the fine points, matters of taste are always a factor though, IME.
I have to agree with Audiofeil that a good classic tube tuner will sound better than the modern offerings. I remember calling up Magnum Dynalab years ago, when their then top of their line Etude was new, to ask them how they thought their tuners compared with a Dyna FM3. They basically intimated that there was no comparison. IME though, my tube tuners have trouble pulling in distant stations cleanly in comparison to my Magnums. Living where I do this is a significant issue in that most of the stations that I listen to are a few hours drive.
just to clarify, MD was saying that the tube tuners of yore were sonically better than theirs but that the reception was swallowed by tube noise on distant stations.