Deep Cleaning Records With Steam?

It has happened again. Major tweak and record provider has available a steam cleaner made especially for records. Anybody try steam for cleaning lp’s? What were your results? Since a unit can be had for about $20 at Target, 15% of what the tweak provider is charging, is it worth a try?.
I tried steam cleaning LPs that had been previously cleaned with a DIY loricraft-type RCM. Nerl reagent grade water is used in the steamer. The steamer is used after cleaning solution has been applied to the LP. DD brush to work the solution/steam and then vac. I also use Nerl as a final rinse and vac to finish.

I have recleaned & steamed either favorite or troublesome LPs. The LP is quieter and sounds better after being steam cleaned and is easily worth the additional step, it isn't any more time added to steam a LP side. Some used vinyl still needs enzyme cleaner. Steam & Deep Cleanse doesn't remove every biologic gunk of fingerprints, mold and food (?) smudges.

Overall, steam works for me. I don't have any problem maintaining steam pressure as it only takes about 20 seconds to cover a side. The only down side is the increased consumption of Nerl water to fill the 220ml tank.
I use a Precision (brand name) steamer from Its about 20 dollars and I use it with really dirty garage sale albums. I also have a nitty gritty which does a good but not so thorough, but easier to use job. I also clean my stylus with a small block of Majic Eraser. Cleanliness is next to....
Guys, what are you using as an enzynne agent? Are these dedicated audio products or can I bought any enzematic agent from a mega store ( like Walmart for example)?

Stltrains, thanks for replying. I will check it out.

My friend told me that they cleaned 4 records yesterday. He is using a Loricraft machine with AI formulas. The first one they tried is a record he was intended to return to the seller since it was unlistenable. Not any more, he will keep it now. After trying that one and gainning confidence, he did 3 more which turned with a pair of improvement and one wasn't changed. Those were cleaned before with his system less steamer. He was so impressed with the results that just bought a Perfection Steamer from Walgreens too.

I cleaned a few more today wity the same great results.