Deep Cleaning Records With Steam?

It has happened again. Major tweak and record provider has available a steam cleaner made especially for records. Anybody try steam for cleaning lp’s? What were your results? Since a unit can be had for about $20 at Target, 15% of what the tweak provider is charging, is it worth a try?.

Showing 19 responses by jahaira

Crem1, do you know if it has to be with (1) the best water to clean the records, (2)it's harmless for the steamer/record and (3) dedicated to that use for industrial/commercial companies. Thanks,

TDS or Total Disolved Solids from Wickipidia..
Gracias Crem1. I will get one steamer(from my local Walgreens) and water ( from PepBoys) tomorrow and clean some of those offensive records... :)
You can find a video on Youtube where a person cleans a record with Windex and a paper can imagine the flames!! May I suggest recording a steam cleaning, explained and nit views of the process. This might start the revolution!!! I just bought my steamer today and found some water for $0.99/gal which is from pure natural sources from my island, distilled, R/O, carbon filtered and few more things more...The catch is, it's from my local Walgreens in PR.

I cleaned 3 records today. One was a NF++ Pete, Paul and Mary from 1968, the worst one in my collection. It is so bad, that you just heard tics, tacs and pops so loud that you can't resist. After steaming it and do my thing, I can said, it's listenable now. The noise is still there, but softer and the music and voices are much better. I also did a Jackie Terrason and Ruben Blades records. Both sound great with much less noise and can play them at a higher volume. I can said the noise is non-offensive and you can deal with them. Once you steam a record, they look like new albuns.

It will take a bit more practice to master the steaming technic but itsn't that complicated neither. A tool I use and reccomend to you guys is to buy a Lazy Susan from WalMart, at the kitchen accesories section. They are about 13-14" circunference and made out of wood. Just turn then, take out the screw ( with care not to loose the small bearings). Then drill a bigger hole, enough to use a new threaded screw that can be used with the record hole. Set everything again and use a round cap/wood/top whatever do the trick, and clamp it. This will protect your record label, your hands and you could turn/spin the record around for scrubbing and steaming. If you have an extra rubber mat around use it between the record and susan. This makes everything much easier.
70's friend... you said: "But the bad thing about both of them is they don't maintain full pressure for very long. You have to stop frequently to let them build pressure back up because with continued use they just seem to "run out of steam"......... :-)".... an it does :-(

Like you, I found that clarity, wider staging and spatial information is improved a lot. Not to mention that the needle is a happy camper after playing a record :^) Debries? NADA, NOTHING... The grooves, like you said, looks well defined and shinny.

So far, pops are reduced and backed a lot with a lower noise. They are not eliminated but not as intrusive as before.

Stltrains, good question.. A friend who bought the steamers yesterday asked me the same question an hour ago. Since my cleaning methods are manual, I will try my best with one of my cleaned and most noise free records. Will report lately.

That same friend is going to visit another good friend tonight with the Perfection Stemaer and they will clean a few records to compare them with our friends Loricraft + Audio Intelligence cleaned records he have. I have seen the Loricraft in action and it's amazing what it can do for a dirty record. Problem is, it cost over $1,500.00 and that's a lot of chunk for me... :O(

They will contact me with their results and will see how including the steaming worked for his method.

Guys, what are you using as an enzynne agent? Are these dedicated audio products or can I bought any enzematic agent from a mega store ( like Walmart for example)?

Stltrains, thanks for replying. I will check it out.

My friend told me that they cleaned 4 records yesterday. He is using a Loricraft machine with AI formulas. The first one they tried is a record he was intended to return to the seller since it was unlistenable. Not any more, he will keep it now. After trying that one and gainning confidence, he did 3 more which turned with a pair of improvement and one wasn't changed. Those were cleaned before with his system less steamer. He was so impressed with the results that just bought a Perfection Steamer from Walgreens too.

I cleaned a few more today wity the same great results.
That's to close... The average number is 5-6" away from the record. I use it closer in a rush if their is some point that needs an extra but for a very short application.
I have found that a full tank will clean about 8-10 records for me. This will vary with each individual timing method. Just check your record avarage and use the neccesary water to adapt at your convinience. For example, if I want to clean just 4-5 records, I use half the water ( 4 oz). This way, your steamer tank will use every drop of water and you don't need to left any water that can be contaminated into your steamer tank.
Do you use the Walgreen's steamer?

I bought one of those from my nearest Walgreens.

How far from the LP do you hold the steamer?

About 6" regularly but if I notice a tought spot, I steam it about 1-2" away.

What nozzle are you using?

Use the elbow nozzle.
Now that you mention the warping ( while steaming), I noticed that one record already warped, after steamed, dicreased its original warp. It's still warped but about 40-50% less after than before. Have anyone else noticed this?

Crem1, they have a page with a video clip.
In the video clip they said it requires one minute to start steaming for 30 minutes. The additional tank is at the bottom of the unit and it will mix with the vapor at the last second, so it's not an apply and steam system, but a combination inside the water tank. It has more power than the Perfection and will not leak water into the record. I will suggest to take a look at the video and see it working.
Do you think it is possible to have to much pressure?

Yes, I think so. Not with the Perfection, although you see the record warping from the heat if exposed for long periods at short distance. If used as recommended here, no problem!

Perhaps with the Monster 1200?

After that demostration, yes! The vapor stream with this unit looks very strong and can be hazardous for the record and the person holding it. I don't think we need that kind of vapor strengh to remove duts and grunge from our records.

Once up to heat and pressure, how much steam time do you get with the Perfection?

Not sure about timing but it does gave me enough time to clean between 8-10 records until the water is gone. The manual said it can give you around 30 minutes. has a few types and some goodies you might find interesting. I have no relation to them but a good customer relation.
I use the same technic as you and haven't noticed the "woosh" sound you described.
I would try with white distilled vinager first instead of bleach. Give it a try! It works just find.