Phono Stage - Passive Pre- Amp: Results??

Has anyone used a passive pre between their phono stage and amplifier with good results? If so, could you share the specifics regarding hardware? thanx much in advance.
My preamp is a custom piece consisting of a K&K Audio phono stage and S&B TX-102 trannies. The phono gain is 70db and the input sens. of my amp is .75v. Cartridge output is 0.4 mv. Most speakers I use have varied from 89-92 db sens. and this worked great with all of them. I even had success using Magnepan 3.5s in this setup.

Same as Ozzy62, except my K&K phonostage and K&K TVC with S&B transformers are a two box set-up. My phonostage has 64db of gain for MC and I've used it with cartridges ranging from .3mV to .8mV. The input sensitivity of my amp is .8V and has an input impedance of 67k ohms. Speaker sensitivity is 88db. Works great for me.
Monolithic Sound phonostage + Channel Islands passive.

Your mileage may vary.

I use a Modwright modded Marchand X9 Deluxe electronic x-over, which makes things even beter. I figured that's the ticket, having the best of both approaches.

I use a Benz Lukaschek PP1 v9 for my Benz Silver Ref MC cartridge, which goes into a specially modded QED passive, which goes into my Eagle 4 amp. No problems, great sound as far as I can hear. Interconnects are Cardas Golden Cross and Ensemble.
I have probably one of the worst scenatios. LP12/Cirkus/Ekos/Lingo with 0.15mV Troika into an Aqvox 2CI MkII phono stage (72db gain) into Reference Line Preeminence 1B, Sonic Frontiers Power 2 1.25V RMS for 110 Watts into Totem Mani-2s 85db/W/m. This is all run balanced. The cartridge has very low output and the speakers have very low sensitivity. But it all works.