New Teres Direct Drive Motor Available as Option

Hi Folks:
It looks like Teres is now offering a direct drive motor as an option on their regualar tables. As a Teres 255 owner I'm contemplating the upgrade. Has anyone tried the new motor on there existing/old Teres, and does it seem like the upgrade is worth it? Here's a link to the new product:

I think I remember that the Shakti stone does have the property of soaking up some of the stray fields radiated by transformers, over and above the fact that mass loading the tranny helps to reduce vibration. I also think I read that any old out of use transformer, if placed atop a functional transformer, will have some of the same positive effects, but I've never tried that, nor have I used Shakti stones. From the hayday of audiovoodoo, promoted often innocently by HP, the Shakti stone hangs around. I don't dispute that it may do some good, I just am interested in the why of it.
Lew, while browsing one of my father's old EE textbooks from the early 50s, I read that a block of iron placed on top of a transformer improves coupling between the magnetic fields. This is how how a VPI brick is constructed. I don't know about the Skakti stones.
My Verus motor arrived a week ago and I have yet to set it up. I didn't realize that I would need a strobe disc and light in order to do the set up. Which strobe disc and light should I order?
The manual has a link for a down loadable strobe disk. Any florescent light will do the trick. Easy if you have a florescent lights in the room. Otherwise a florescent bulb in a regular lamp will also do.
Or, if you want to get fancy, the best strobe/disc I know of is sold by KAB. Worth the reasonable cost, IMO.