no body is buying anything on audiogon

90 percent of the ads on audiogon nobody buys. why advertise its not going to sell
stop complaining! ever hear of credit cards! second mortgages? get a life, make the purchase and shut up about it!!

(at least that's what my audiophile self tells my frightened rational self every time a see a juicy piece of gear. what ever happened to 'the trickle-down?' i'm still waiting)
Just for reference, I've made four purchases and had numerous sales in the last two months. I will admit that they have all been lateral moves, in order to play with different things. No additional money spent. I also am very careful. I look for great deals and make sure that what I buy will have resale value. The fact that I can do this is what I love about this site. My entire system, including those things I bought new from dealers, is in some way connected to Audiogon.
Wait til next year when everyone gets a check from W. I cant wait to be trickled on. Maybe I will buy some speakers made from endangered forest, hand rubbed with whale oil.
nice, blkadr. i'd like some amp stands made from gazelle antlers and maybe some speaker stands of elephant tusks. we'll have to keep our blinds closed so the heat from the depleted ozone doesn't melt our cables (which is ok cause it'll block out the view of the power plants and oil rigs) but hey...ELEPHANT TUSKS! Cool!!!