Stockfisch Records

I cried when I started listening to my new Stockfisch LP's that arrived a few hours ago. The quality is unbelievable! Is it possible for vinyl to sound so good? I am dumbstruck...
It is like my system got a facelift!

Is there other Stockfisch users out there?

I have some of their CDs and am vinyl junkie but haven't gotten any LPs yet. Thanks for the tip.
Rives - whoa - get yourself atleast "The Vinyl Collection". It is mind-bending stuff...

Well I guess it's possible that they simply had quality control problems. My only experience with the label was not good, and I'm in no hurry to try it again. I bought the Water Falls double LP from Sara K. It had many surface defects, so I sent it back. The other one didn't sound good either, lots of surface noise. So I just assumed it was a poor label. Obviously I have avoided the label since then.