The end of Audio Intelligent ...

To our good friends and valued customers:

Thank you for your support, encouragement, praise and business. As you know, this began as a project on Audiogon, where 30 or so members beta-tested and then unanimously voted for the AI formulas to be commercially available. Thanks, also, to the professional reviewers, who gave of their time, tried the products and gave very positive reviews: thank you, Arnie Goodman (Audiophile Voice and Elmore Magazine), Michael Fremer (Stereophile), Frank Peraino (Stereo Times, and who gave AI the Stereo Times “Analog Component of the Year Award), and Roger S. Gordon (Positive Review Online).

My wife Lisa and I reached a difficult decision, and decided to close Audio Intelligent. The process of getting the products to you all was very time consuming, and we simply do not have the time to give AI the time it needs and deserves, without short-changing major areas of our lives, such as our employment, giving our 9-year old daughter the time and attention she deserves and needs, maintaining our home and providing assistance Lisa’s mother, Joyce.

Our sincere and heart-felt thanks to you all.

Best regards to all,
Paul and Lisa Frumkin
For Audio Intelligent
Paul: sorry to hear, but totally understand! I've been totally thrilled with your products and don't look forward to "changing lanes." In fact, I'd be interested in purchasing some leftover inventory, if such exists. In any case, best of luck in your future ventures.
Hi Paul,

I for one will sorely miss your product. It is one of the finest record cleaning fluids on the market. I am sad to see it go. Any chance of getting a final lot?

Kind regards,

Dickson from Hong Kong
Sorry to hear Paul, I have used your stuff since I got back into analog...but understand completely where your coming from...good luck.

Hi, everyone. Thank you for your very kind postings. Discussions are planned for this weekend regarding potential licensor/licensee arrangements. I'll post here after these discussions. Thanks again for your kind words.

Best regards,
Paul & Lisa Frumkin
for Audio Intelligent