Is extremely accurate "VTA" adjustment necessary?

Here's a very interesting article by Geoff Husband of TNT on the importance (or better relative unimportance) of overly accurate VTA adjustment.

Exposing the VTA myth?

A short quote form the article:

Quote - "VTA, or Vertical Tracking Angle is one of those topics that divides opinion...That 'VTA' matters is indisputable, but the purpose of this article is to examine the validity of the claims made for the relative importance of VTA...SRA/VTA matters of course, but in the real world not THAT much, rigidity, simplicity and lateral alignment are all more important"

What are your thought and comments on this issue?
I just came across this thread. In my opinion I think "Extremely accurate VTA" is not only unecessary but rediculous.

I have to agree with good ol' Roy Gandy on this one.

I could be wrong, but I'll give my opinion as to why:

First of records are warped to begin with, different record heights, ETC. How far do we have to go to achieve sound that may or may not even be audable. In my opinion it's not audible in such small increments.

I say, get it level, or when ever you think it might be in a good spot and RELAX!

Enjoy the music,
Dr Balance, Believe me you are blessed in not being able to hear improperly set VTA. Do you listen a lot to CD's?
Newbee. I rarely listen to c.d's. I think we are all blessed but sometimes ever so slightly cursed with obsessive behaviour to the point of mental manipulation.
This is a false issue. If you hear a benefit, continue with VTA adjustment. If not, don't.