Any Pono player owners out there?

Has anyone purchased Neil Young's Pono music player? Share your thoughts and experience so far. The player is now on back order. Thanks.
With all the stereo equipment I own, I never got around to buying an IPod. So, if Pono is as amazing as Neil says it is, I'll be a buyer. But, I do think the name is ridiculous!
Well, I'm not really sure I get what it offers that isn't already available. High rez files on the go is available and I roll my own. I'm not sure why I would need to buy his device and add to what I already have.

I'm also a bit soured on the fact that a multi millionaire used kickstarter. I think he should have had enough capitol to secure investors beyond what was originally design for those don't have access to such resources. It now seems like a trend for established companies to exploit grassroots programs designed for those that aren't.
I'm in for one through the kick starter campaign but I don't have it yet. I believe the only people who have one so far got theirs handed to them by Neil at a high roller dinner.
I'm glad this has been posted. For a long time I've had mixed feelings on this venture. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of Neil's music and have always bought and appreciated Neil's desire for high rez either through vinyl or DVD-A he continued to put out on his back catalog and new material. Oh, and I love his music.

But when all this pono stuff got going I questioned why such a wealthy man, with access to funding and investors needed to use a grassroots tool such as kickstarter. Well, free marketing might be the answer to that. Anyway, this post got me searching for what others thought and I came across this article, which, IMO, covers a lot of ground and hits on some of the same themes I've struggled with.
BTW, I don't agree with the articles contention that high rez is a recording engineer I believe that it is important and extremely significant. What I do struggle with is that FLAC has been around for at least 13 years. It is hardly new technology. Many acts already provide down loads of their work in high rez FLAC....or if you desire compressed versions for less money.

There are several portable devices that will play FLAC files back, as well as stand alone home units, which have much better electronics than pono.

This may have been a great idea 3-5 years ago, although, not for me, but today the "train has left the station". This is a day late and a dollar over budget.

I appreciate Neil's advocacy for high rez. Go Neil!!!!! But I am dismayed on his use of kickstarter.