It's time for a good CD player.

I’ve mostly listened to vinyl and FM radio since the introduction of the Compact Disc and never invested in a really good one (currently using an Arcam CD-73).

It’s time for an upgrade.

My question is, would it be better to buy an older very expensive unit (say 4 or 5 years old) used, or a less expensive modern new unit? Have CD players improved much in the last few years?

My price range is around $1-2K. I have a bunch of Redbook discs, mostly classic rock and classical.

Also, I have no interest in digital music servers, mp3, or vacuum tubes (no offense).

It would be used with a Linn Majik Kontrol preamp, Onkyo M5000R power amp, and Amphion Creon 2 loudspeakers. Analog rig is an Acoustic Signature Manfred, Michell TechnoArm, Denon DL103R.

Any insights, links, or suggestions would be welcome. Thank you.
You could track down an older vintage player using the highy regarded Philips TDA1541A-S1 D/A chip and philips transport. The dutchaudioclassics website (just Goggle the "TDA1541A" chip and that website will come up) has a comprehenvive list of players using one or more of these Philips chips. A late 80's Rotel RCD 855 for example uses the TDA 1541A S-1 and Philips CDM 4/19 transport and is loaded with BlackGate caps. (Many other older players from Marantz, Naim, Cambridge Audio, and even BeoGrams from B&O and many others have similar components) You can frequently find the Rotel 855 for example in good working order for under $100. A power supply upgrade and and maybe clock upgrade and you have an amazingly analogue sounding hard match player for not too much investment. Just another way to go.
You could try an OPPO 103, you might like it fine but, even if you wanted more, you could get Ric Schultz at EVS to modify it for you (no tubes). Player + mods, about $1300 and it will play any format you can throw at it and sound great doing it!