Simple way to play hi-res files

I'm attracted by the sound quality and storage convenience (no plastic cases) of hi-res downloads such as those available from HDtracks and am looking for a simple way to store and play them. Please forgive the newbie questions.

I'm aware of music servers such as Olive but think there must be a simpler/cheaper way. I don't need things like internet radio or the ability to rip CDs. (Maybe someday I'll copy all my CDs, but that's way off.)

My current SACD player (a Maranz) lets one plug in a USB key and play audio files, but it's finicky and supports a limited number of audio formats. Are there newer players out there that let you attach an external hard drive that you can buy at any office supply store and read the contents? That's about the simplest scenario I can imagine.

If I have to go with a music server, I'd appreciate suggestions. I care most about sound quality, supporting a wide variety of formats (especially lossless ones), rather than bells and whistles.

I own the Oppo 95 and it will not play Apple Lossless. Plus it will only play a very limited amount of storage.
Depending on your budget you could:

1) go with the Bryston BDP-1 and put your digital files on a USB hard drive or USB flash stick. You need an outboard D/A to hear music from the files (like you SACD player digital in).

2) go with a PS Audio PWT. You can burn high res files to DVD and play them with this player (as well as CDs). Digital output can be fed to your D/A.
Thanks to everyone for the replies; they are all helpful.

Ozzy, When you say the Oppo "plays only a limited amount of storage" I'm not sure what you mean. Since it has connections for external hard drives (USB or eSATA) I would think storage would not be an issue.

Oppo only recognizes drives up to 2TB.
Trying to browse that many files on the Oppo is very tedious. I just switched to a Squeezebox Touch, works great. The ipad app (ipeng) is very easy to use.
The Bryston BDP-1 plays high-res files easily and beautifully, and is a simple solution.Ask anyone who has one.
