Sony SACD 5400 ES: how to get it in standby ?

I would like to leave this unit in standby rather than switch the unit off every time I have finished paying a CD.
However, if I follow the instructions and push the on/off button the display blinks "Standby" a few times but the unit then makes a click and appears to have switched off. Is this a fault or do I need to do something else??
I once had a player that displayed "Standby" after missing breakfast, lunch and dinner I fiqured out that it must not be talking to me. LOL!
Sony has a tendency to do that. I have a Panasonic DVD recorder that is a little more polite. It flashes between "please" and "wait" during power down. Some remote units have an extra switch in the back of it to turn off the remote receiver, when going on vacation or other. The only true standby I can think off of hand, is on tube gear. It shuts off the high voltage to the tubes, but leave the filaments on to keep the tubes warm. Some TV's had that option until roughly the mid '70s. The government griped they were wasting energy. It was convenient to have an instant on TV back then, in the CRT days.
Yep, the Sony reads please wait when turned on. I think they used standby to distinguish between the two. But what do I know, I think my player talks to me. :)