Has anyone heard Rega's Isis CDP?

Rega has always made very musical products for their asking price, I am wondering with their new SOTA Isis player how good it is? How does it compare to EMM, DCS, Esoteric, ect? Any feedback would be appreciated.

I think that Elinor's response was very interesting. Yes it is impossible to tell what each piece is contributing to a system when you hear it at a show but it certainly sounds like the Rega Isis helprd produce beautiful music in a nice system.

You have gotten the point. Certainly all 3 systems were different and in different rooms. Those variables play a part of what I heard. It would seem to me that is a given to any audiophile worth his merit be it at a show, in a store, or at a friend's home. I would think that at this price point you would explore these players in your own system, the only important one I might add, and make your decision. All 3 products seemed dynamic, transparent, and relatively non-digital for digital and yes, all 3 were excellent regardless of the variables. Good luck to you.
I just purchased Rega Isis and Osiris combo and I think it is really special, very musical,almost analog sound (good turntable sound),zero digital glare,non fatiguing, relaxed but detailed at the same time.Instruments and voices have a texture that is missing with most CD players.
I took it to my friend house one day (600fpb Krell, evo preamp,B&W 802D)and he was amazed at how good his system sounded with the ISIS ( it was much better than his Bryston DAC).I'm surprised that some members were not moved by the REGA (maybe speakers or the room was the issue),to me it is pure music!

It sounds like the Isis & Osiris is a great combination. As always system matching is critical.
The Isis and Osiris are wonderful...buy both, use the Rega´s original cables ( power cords and XLR ) and you will be shocked by the wonderful music they can reproduce. Pure magic.