Is this the END of DAYS for the high end CD player

Seem like this format days are numbered like the cassette and LP. Why would you want to spend 5k or 10k+ for a high-end CD player or DAC combo??

Just trying to see what other audiophile’s thoughts are and where you guys & gals may be planing for the future. Do you stop here at the high end CD player and this format or go completely too digital files?

I'm at a quandary about investing into an expensive CD player setup.
when it does not seem that way is when I will make a move to hard drive based storage, or possibly cloud based hi-rez stream and play
I agree with Grannyring and Pubul57. For now I am actually going back and forth between two excellent players, one of which has the capability to play hi-rez DVD-A so I am trying to figure out if I can find and burn hi-rez downloadable music for that player. I have no real desire to change over until the sound quality is at least equal to that of my players.
I suspect that a hard drive based system into a top flight DAC with good music management software might be at the level of players, at least that what the magazines would have you think, some arguing of the benefits of magnetic versus optical readers for the "transport" function. No I am staying aways because it is just not plug & play and I don't need the headache of figuring it all out, for me a 5-10,000 front end should not require that much thought. Interesting review of the new Olive HD Music Server in TAS this month, a good read on the whole situation written by Cordesman.
I'll add the Van den Hul optical cables sounded best through my OPPO 981. Yesterday, I added a system-matched Proceed PDT-3. Now, the AES/EBU input sounds best. The new transport is also connected with a Van Den Hul optical cable. The VDH cable sounds smoother for extremely poor recordings - about 10-20% of older disks. Either connection sounds much better musically than the OPPOs' digital outs.

As a distant example, consider using a turntables' older 78 RPM needle when playing your best LP's. Changing out to the correct stylus sounds like night and day. I experienced a similiar improvement with this new transport.

It appears that system-matching all digital components together appears to be the most significant factor that I can share with others.
The following is paraphrased from some email correspondence I had with a close friend of mine:
"...Is the CD format dead? I have just one response: vinyl.
From the moment that (mini)cassettes hit the market, people were predicting the death of vinyl. Yes, vinyl did effectively die as a mainstream medium, but because it has unique sonic qualities; it actually changed and become much more of a niche medium. The death of vinyl was even more complete when CD arrived, or so the magazine articles said in the mid-80s. I think that, over time, CD will also become a niche medium, but it will never truly die because of the universal manufacturing and distribution technologies that underlie CDs (anyone with a computer can create and replicate perfect CD audio copies--something cassette couldn't achieve due to sound degradation), and because they're really, really cheap to make. There's more bang-for-the-buck there than in any other format right now, and it'll probably be that way for years to come (if not decades).
Even if CD were to fall as the medium-of-choice in the US and other advanced economies, it would still be a medium-of-choice in developing economies for years, even decades. It's only been within the last 5-10 years that CDs have even become available in most African markets, and cassettes are still the medium-of-choice in many emerging Central and East Asian markets.
I have no illusions that eventually the American and European markets will hit a tipping point and arrive at a medium-less mass market for musical and video product consumption. But even at that point, the CD will be far from dead, because it's so inexpensive and convenient.
The other thing that will have to evolve is the issue of transactions and payment as relates to licenses. Specifically, look at the cumbersome issues that Google and Apple are dealing with in order to launch their so-called cloud media services; lawsuits are lining up from labels, artists, and individuals regarding the mechanisms and regulations for how they get their share of the licensing pie. CDs, cassettes, and LPs are physical products so tracking--and paying for--each licensed copy is easy and is also the foundation of a huge financial market. Digital copies, and how you ascribe licensing rights for selling, duplicating/copying, and playback are murky law right now. Commercial law around these issues is still rooted in the media of the 1990s, and hasn't really even caught up with the whole Napster-era issues, much less HD downloading. You know how much fun it is trying to move music around different devices in iTunes, even when you own the original CD; no media delivery company (i.e. cloud service) has any substantial caselaw built up around how to define "license" when existing caselaw still largely ties license to a physical piece of media (one CD, one license, one person). By the strictest definition of existing law, you and I are breaking copyright law every time we upload a CD into iTunes, because by the technical definitions of the law, we're creating a new and essentially perfect copy without paying an additional license to the companies and artists who own the original work of art. No one prosecutes that level of the law anymore, but it was an issue no less than 30 years ago when the major labels sued Sony for creating blank/recordable cassettes, the logic being that copying from vinyl to cassette was illegal copying and that the record companies were owed for each tape copy of a vinyl record. It wasn't until the late 1980s that the court decisions established interpretations of licensing law regarding personal use of a particular licensed CD/LP/cassette. However, those licensing concepts are *still* the underpinning of today's media laws. CDs will become niche media, but I've not seen an argument yet that convinces it's a dying format..."
Heath and I have been close friends for 20 years. He has written extensively as a freelance talent for magazines like NME and others.
Bit perfect downloads are the future and the future is here. Everyone seems to make the assumption that the decline curve of the cd will mirror that of the LP and settle at some predetermined flat line. I don't believe that assumption will play out and further I believe that the cd is essentially a cassete tape:a medium conducive to sharing or taking on the go for the car.....for now. So many new cars now have iPod/iPad adapters and/or USB inputs for thumb drives etc.

If you believe that the physical player will fade away gracefully you need only to look at the high Rez material becoming widely can even download DSD!!!!

The key issue in my opinion is that the artist will actually be able to bypass the corporate music moguls....and take it straight to the people. All they need to do is male a good recording, build a good website and sell their own music direct to the consumer. Instead of making $1-1.50 per unit they will be able to make 10 times more money and still deliver the music to the people for less than we were paying at a brick and mortar store. No one will ever be out of stock and hard to find recordings will no longer be so. Think of all of the terrific musicians who will finally be able to make a fair living! Touring will also return as that will be a material differentiator and marketing tool for the future. I'll bet really good recording studios will actually begin to sprout up as musicians will no longer require major labels to get their product to market. Check out Blue Coast Records.....I had never heard of them and discovered they offer some pretty cool recordings and sell High Rez downloads all the up to DSD quality. Prices will fall just like always but if the world goes high Rez download can you imagine the bandwidth requirements? Wow!