to SACD or not

Here looking to possibly get a sacd player to replace the rotel 1072 I've used happily for some while now. As my sacd collection grows I cannot help but wonder how a solid built player with no frills would be to listen to. Thought of going with a BAT player but many rave on the Ayre unit. EMM Labs is also a thought if I came across a deep discount. Budget is between 5 & 10k

Any opinions or comments are greatly appreciated

Wow, your listening experience is radically different from mine with C-5 & DX-5. My DX made my C-5 sound thin and less real in my system. I do think that the DX sounds a bit more like the old D-1 in that it is smoother and less forward than the C-5, so I can understand that some would prefer the way the C-5 presents the music.

Hello Ed ... Saw your system link , ( very nice ) . I noticed your using W.A. Sophia's , I like them very much . but thought they had a slightly forward sound . I'm using Revel Salon 1's , that Iv'e always felt could have a slightly recessed sound , Careful component matching was always important to make them shine . This may explain our different feelings about the two great Ayre players . I probably sounded overly critical of the DX . I noticed your using the Lamm 1.2 . they are one of the amps i'm thinking of upgrading too. I started a tread about them and the replies seem to recommend the 2.2's for my speakers , what do you think .
I have owned many of the SACD players above including the Ayre (excellent player), but I have sold them all buying a Sony SACD XA5400ES. I also kept my McIntosh SACD/DVD player for dvd-A. The McIntosh looks cool but is not even close to the Sony for SACD sound.

I love the SACD's and have a nice little collection. I can say with certainty the Sony 5400ES continually gives me the best sound.
I recently did what your doing and bought an Esoteric X03SE.Love it.I could have bought an Ayre at dealer cost and passed after hearing several including the Marantz line...and that Sony all are hyping,forgetaboutit,not even in the same conversation IMO, so no need to "crawl over glass"!
Well after hearing what all have said and seeing the tons of options for a cd player available I've decided it's not the disc player but the preamp which should be a priority to replace. This thought came to mind when I became all excited reading about the EAR acute with analog volume control and balanced outs. Just writing that out sounds tempting to replace my disc and preamp in one shot but who do we kid but ourselves. The simplicity of it sounds appealing but it's truly the best sound I seek. No disrespect Tim de Paravicini

Now back to the drawing boards and by the way have set up a listening session with the EMM Labs CDSA SE.

PS, Why would anybody want to crawl over broken glass?Hilarious

Thanks again everyone for taking time to respond.