dac for squeezebox touch

any suggestions for a dac that is better then the one built into the squeezebox touch? had a dacmagic and there was not a noticable difference. budget is $1000 or less, new or used. thanks
No, I have not. My Touch has fed digital to my Minimax from day one. I've never experimented with its analog outs.

Also, for some reason coax from my Touch to Minimax sounded inferior to toshlink until I had digital mods done on my Touch. I think I was in the minority with that finding.

That said, both stock and modified I had the best sounding using an RCA to XLR cable from the coax into AES/EBU.
I feed my squeezbox to a CAL Alpha Tube DAC via a glass toslink cable and it's definitely a step up.

SB Touch analog output sound fine. My EE Minimax DAC is a definite step up in resolution and refinement.
Musical Fidelity Trivista DAC.
2 digital inputs without XLR which suit your Logitech Touch well.