Movie/film suggestions.


While this is of course a forum for the discussion of all things audio/hi-fi and music, pretty much all of us are also lovers of movies, the enjoyment of which is effected by the reproduction of the sound they contain (with the exception of silent movies wink).

I've been focused on David Lynch movies since his death, but with current events so much a part of our lives at the moment, I plan on re-watching a movie I’ve seen only once, and years ago. That movie is:

The Madness Of King George. Apropos, no?








Something Wild (Ray Liotta is great in his role)


Love this movie. Jeff Daniels and Melanie Griffin are terrific as well. Amazing how many great films Jonathan Demme has directed. Another one was Melvin and Howard starring Paul LeMat (from American Graffiti).




Great Lists. thanks for this post. The Fisher King ..... Robin Williams, Jeff Bridges, Amanda Plummer........

So many....The Verdict, Sand Pebbles, Last of the Mohoicans, Twelve Angry Men (w/Henry Fonda), On The Beach (w/Peck), Caine Mutiny. Thirty SecondsOver Tokyo, Bataan.I could go on.

Really sad that the new movies today are aimed at children and idiots.


Can't believe I left this off......the recent Ripley series. In B+W, and is better than the Matt Damon movie (which I quite liked. It's a very dark movie, but extremely well done.