Why are there so many Mac users?

I am gradually thinking of going the all-digital route, and to that effect I've started reading a lot of threads about all-digital systems.
One thing I noticed is that many audiophiles with such systems are using either a Mac Mini, iMac or other Mac products.
Are there any major reasons for doing so? What advantages do Macs have over PCs (aside from looks)?
I am trying to soak in all the information I can gather on the subject, so thanks for enlightening me!

I'm a Mac user, never had anything else and like Jax2 use it for my photo business where processing is vital.

Here are links to a web site that is critical of everything computer, they beat on Mac, Google and others but have a heyday with Microsoft.






There are too many articles to link, but look around the site for amusement if nothing else. They have an intelligent and somewhat cockeyed sense of humor.
"Maybe the question should be: Why are there so few Mac users?"

Good one. I wouldn't mind migrating to Mac for my upcoming HT Laptop. But 2 things hold me back- no HDMI and no Blu-Ray. And when I mention no HDMI, that's realizing that I can convert DVI, but I'd still have to send audio through another connection. Which pretty much eliminates hi-rez soundtracks, even if they supported BR- which they don't.

As a Windows developer and as a Mac 'enjoyer' I'll attempt to answer your question regarding why so few Mac users.

1. Office is/was (depending on how you view SAS/cloud computings future) a great app and allowed for an dramatic increase in productivity in the corporate office on the standard pc architecture. People used a pc at work, and you know how resistant human beings can be to change.

2. Say what you will about MS but they are/were great marketers totally destroying OS/2 (a far more stable and superior os to Win 3.11/95...etc) in the bid for the desktop.

3. Employment of the marketing strategy that if you want to offer Windows at all as a pc vendor then you must install or at least supply a copy with all machines that exit your facility, i.e. you must buy a license for every box you push out the door. I think this is one of the things that landed them in several anti-trust lawsuits.

4. Apples always carried a cost premium compared to a pc.

Ok, now that we have completely lost the spirit of this thread....I use a Mini cause my mac works 24/7 for the last 2.25 years and has not had any problems and it sounds fantastic as a music server out of the box. I look at the way XP handles multitasking and memory sharing and it is a joke...compared to OSX. My 2GHZ 3GIG Core2DUO MINI running Leopard smokes my workstation (Dell 3.06 GHZ with 3GIG mem Core2DUO (running XP Pro with SP3). Ok, guys I'm moving on to more music related topics.